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SHHS Attendance Office

Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Monday - Friday
The office closes early at 2:00 on Early Release Wednesdays for Professional Development

24-Hour Attendance Hotline: 503-366-7500  
Email opens to your default email program. Copy and paste if no default email is set.


Excusing Your Student from School

Email Notification
Email opens to your default email program.
Copy and paste if no default email is set.

24-Hour Attendance Hotline

Full day excused absences
only the day of (before 7:45 am) and for future days.


Please include the following:

  1. Student Name
  2. Date of Absence
  3. Period(s) Missed
  4. Reason for absence(s)
  5. Identity of caller
  6. A daytime number where the caller may be reached.

Attendance Updates via ParentSquare
Parents can choose to receive attendance notification emails for absences. 

Partial Days
Partial day absences or absences that occurred in the past must be updated by sending a message through ParentSquare or emailed directly to your school's attendance office

Leaving Early
To excused a student to leave early for an appointment

  • Send a ParentSquare message or email school's attendance office
  • Include the student's teacher during the period in which they need to be excused.
  • Your student must sign out in the attendance office before leaving campus according to your instructions.

Absence Errors
If you believe your student's absence was in error, please contact the teacher of the class your student was marked absent from by ParentSquare or email.

* All attendance requests must be in writing for student safety.

* Parent-entered absences are automatically accepted by the system but can be updated by school office staff. If a student has an absence of 10 days or more, they will be inactivated on the absence start date and reenrolled upon return.


There is a direct correlation between a student’s academic success in school and their attendance record.  High attendance rates also increase the chance of graduating. Please visit Attendance Works to learn more about the importance of attending every day.

Oregon compulsory attendance law states that attending school is a legal requirement for all students up to the age of 18 who have not completed 12th grade (ORS 339.101).

